Thank you for spending your time at my home on the internet!!
I am Sara Evans, a Wildlife & Nature Photographer & Graphic Designer. For all my customers, supporters and fans, a big Thank you!! None of this would be possible without you!!
So! You came here trying to figure out who I am. Since we can't sit down to have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, I'll tell you. However, let's not make this one sided, take the time to contact me about who you are. Everyone has a story and I want to know yours!!
I'm a woman who never gave up. I'm a dream chaser even when life has knocked me down and given me a million reasons to give up.
In 2009, I found myself putting my life back together in a new state and a small town. By small, I do mean not even a bank!
On a little vacation to Colorado, I snapped some photos. You know the kind that usually end up on a sim card or evenually get deleted from your phone for more room. On a cold and snowy Iowa day in 2010, I was going through some pictures and thought one in particular was really pretty. I had it printed for my home but I put it on Ebay, too. It sold! Beginners luck or something more, I tested fate again. I listed the print and it sold. This buyer wanted more. I had more pictures and so Sara's Photography began.
I rode my luck on Ebay for a while and then decided to venture out on my own. I put up a website and gained some partnerships. The path hasn't been easy and Sara's Photography has been on the closing path a few times. However, there's always a way to make things work.
I am a mom. Being a mom is the most important and rewarding gift, I've ever been given. My son is my world and he has my heart.
I am an Angel Mom of 9. There's no greater pain than miscarriage & stillbirth.
I am an abuse survivor. I say survivor because some children don't make it.
I am an Entreprenuer, Business Owner, Stock Trader, Investor, a mom and a friend.
In 2016, I began doing some design work and selling my designs to my corporate clients. With great success, I began selling online to anyone who wanted to purchase a design or product.
As luck would go, the copy people and those who think rules don't apply to them began using my designs. It was either continue to pay hefty attorney bills or do something different.
I decided to do something different and only sell my designs on products and gifts. Some of you enjoy many products in your office or home to this day.
I still do custom design work. If you need something designed specifically for you, please contact me. I'm always happy to help bring someones vision to life. I accept orders from one greeting card to thousands of business cards. A 5x7 print to a wall size print. And if you think you've seen my print driving down the road, you're not wrong, I do vehicle windows, business windows and car wraps too. Just contact me.
I believe in always wearing good shoes. After one painful foot ankle surgery good shoes are required.
I believe pizza is an acceptable breakfast food. Hot or cold.
I believe beer should be served exceptionally cold.
I believe a glass of wine should be fruity sips of love.
I believe to enjoy life, you must take adventures from time to time.
I believe to live simply because more stuff means more housework (and no one enjoys that!)
I believe every child should have the best childhood possible.
I believe every animal should be treated well and humanely.
Lastly, I believe bad hair days make us appreciate a good hair day even more.
What's your fun facts? Tell me on Social Media or message me!!
#1 - Laziness.
Text back a caller when they are leaving a voicemail. (Don't do this to me! Give me the illusion that you really were busy and text later!)
Driver Indecision. Before you start your car, know where you're going. Go there! And if you're a slow driver, use the slow lane (it's the right one).
What are your pet peeves? Tell me on Social Media or message me. I really want to know!!
Copyright © 2010 - 2025
Sara Evans - All Rights Reserved.
Have A Beautiful Day
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